Another listening party benefit ... Those of us living in apartments can rarely play music as loudly as we would like so to hear it at proper volume in a suitable location would be a distinct bonus.

I still think there is a market for where you could rent a well kitted out and treated listening room, bringing your own music in whatever format takes your fancy. Even hifi dealers could offer this service in the evenings.

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My husband and I were just commenting on why it took 3 months for Pearl Jam to release Dark Matter publicly. It occurred to me that they waited until after the theater screenings per this local biz rollout strategy that you discuss. Sharing this with him! Thank you for the insights, as always.

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I did not scroll far enough to see your link to Spotify. Instead, I went over to my Spotify app and searched for Artist "CHRIS DALLA RIVA". You did not show up on my 13" screen.

Lotsa words from you and others about what is wrong with the music business, but way too often I cannot find a practical way to buy the music I want, instead of just renting it from streaming service.

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Good one! So the new album will not be available on any streaming platforms?

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